
Monday, November 29, 2010

Shipping emissions: Negotiating bunker fuels in Cancun - International Center for Trade abd Sustainable Development

Posted - November 2010 - Volume 4 • Number 4

Aviation and maritime shipping are critical elements of the global economy and trade. More than 90 percent of world trade is transported by sea, while eight percent of global economic activity depends on aviation that transports 40 percent of total freight value. But despite the economic benefits provided by the sector, international transport is one of the main drivers of human-induced climate change. Maritime shipping emissions account for three percent of global anthropogenic carbon emissions while four to nine percent of the climate change impact of human activities is caused by aviation. Aviation and shipping are an important element of the climate negotiations for several reasons, and the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP) in Cancun is set to bring these sectors more to the forefront.
Inclusion of international transport emissions in a global climate policy framework has proven to be difficult, primarily because the responsibility for reducing emissions does not fall directly within the jurisdiction of any single country. Due to the global nature of the industry, some experts say that sectoral approaches may be more appropriate for tackling emissions reduction in international transport.

Complete Story and data at:

IMO takes action pre-COP16 - The Motorship

Posted - November 25, 2010 - The Motorship

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has circulated proposed draft regulations to make mandatory technical and operational measures - previously proposed on a voluntary basis - to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from ships on international trade.
The move follows a request by a number of States Parties to Annex VI of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution by Ships (MARPOL) to circulate the draft text.
The circulation of the proposed amendments to all 169 IMO Member States and three Associate Members comes as IMO prepares to participate in the United Nations Climate Change Conference in CancĂșn, Mexico (COP 16/CMP 6), where it will seek to ensure that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Parties continue to entrust IMO, which is the United Nations specialist agency with responsibility for safety and security at sea and protecting the environment from any negative impact that may derive from shipping, with developing and enacting global regulations to control GHG emissions from ships engaged in international trade.

Proposed MARPOL amendments

Under the terms of the amendment procedure set out in the MARPOL Convention, the proposed amendments will now be considered for adoption at the next session of the Organization’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), which meets in July 2011.
Once adopted, the regulations would represent the first ever mandatory efficiency standard for an international transport sector, paving the way for significant reductions in emissions from shipping into the foreseeable future.
The proposed amendments to MARPOL Annex VI – Regulations for the prevention of air pollution from ships, would make mandatory, for new ships, the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) and the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP), both of which have been previously disseminated by IMO for voluntary use.
The EEDI is a non-prescriptive, performance-based mechanism that leaves the choice of technologies to use in a specific ship design to the industry. As long as the required energy-efficiency level is attained, ship designers and builders would be free to use the most cost-efficient solutions for the ship to comply with the regulations.
The SEEMP establishes a mechanism for a shipping company and/or a ship to improve the energy efficiency of ship operations.
The request to circulate the proposed amendments followed the last session of the MEPC in October 2010 (MEPC 61), at which the Committee made progress on all three elements of its work to reduce GHG emissions from international shipping, namely technical, operational and market-based measures, following a work plan to address GHG emissions from ships which began in 2003.
The request to circulate the proposed draft amendments with a view to their eventual adoption, was submitted by a group of States Parties to MARPOL Annex VI, which has a total of 62 Parties, representing almost 85% of world merchant shipping tonnage.

IMO at COP 16/CMP 6

IMO will provide the UNFCCC Conference with updated information on its GHG work through official submissions, outreach activities, an exhibition booth and at side events and also through the UN system activities planned throughout the 2-week event. The IMO delegation will be headed by the Secretary-General, Efthimios Mitropoulos.

IMO’s main objectives for the Conference are that:

* IMO continues to be entrusted with the development and enactment of global regulations on the control of GHG emissions from ships engaged in international trade;
* the regulations are made applicable to all ships according to the non-discriminatory principle on which the IMO regulatory framework is based; and
* the interests of developing countries are fully taken into account, through IMO’s Integrated Technical Co-operation Programme and by distribution of revenues generated by a market-based instrument for international shipping, to be developed under the auspices of IMO.

Shipping Regulator to Seek New Emissions Rules at Mexico Event - Bloomberg

Posted - Nov 25, 2010 7:26 AM ET - Bloomberg. com - By Alaric Nightingale

The International Maritime Organization, a unit of the United Nations charged with controlling ship pollution, will propose new rules that would cut emissions from vessels at a meeting in Mexico.
The IMO will outline proposals to create mandatory ship- efficiency management plans and an energy-efficiency design index for newly constructed vessels during the United Nations Climate Change conference in Cancun, Mexico, next week.
The proposals will then be considered for adoption by the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee when it meets in July next year, the IMO said by e-mail today.
Shipowners are considering alternative fuels including liquefied natural gas and nuclear power as the pressure to cut pollution from the industry intensifies. The main fuel type for merchant shipping presently is heavy fuel oil, the sludge left over once crude oil has been processed into gasoline, jet fuel, and other more valuable refined products.

Shipping can insulate against GHG regulation - CarbonPositive

Posted Wednesday, 24 November 2010 - Carbon News and Info - CarbonPostive

Regulation of shipping’s greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions is inevitable - and the chances are increasing that it is likely sooner rather than later, on terms outside the control of the IMO. The ship operators best placed to meet the costs of regulation without undue impact on their operations will be those who take the available steps to prepare and insulate their businesses now. That is why Carbon Positive believes a system of early crediting to start generating real, verified emission reductions will be of significant value to the shipping sector.
While the IMO tries hard to work towards agreed solutions, the reality is that the maritime sector is caught up in a geopolitical stand-off between developed and developing countries that is preventing broad agreement. As a result, there is now a high likelihood that the European Union will act to regulate shipping-based GHG emissions in its region before the IMO can find its own path to regulation, perhaps on more favorable terms to shipping.
Based on recent comments by EU climate commissioner Connie Hedegaard, it is clear the EU is readying itself to begin moves in 2012 to regulate emissions in the sector on a regional basis. And the European Parliament’s transport committee chairman, Brian Simpson, put it very plainly that those who think the EU won’t impose emissions-trading regulation on shipping and aviation in the absence of strong action from the sectors themselves “is living in cloud-cuckoo land”.

Complete story at:

Monday, November 22, 2010

Full steam ahead for nuclear shipping - World Nuclear News - New Nuclear

Posted November 18, 2010 World Nuclear News New Nuclear

Preparations are under way for nuclear reactors to make a major comeback in commercial shipping.

Although shipping is already highly energy efficient, pressure has come on the industry to lower emissions. There is the potential for market-based measures for controlling carbon dioxide emissions, while the entry into force of strict International Maritime Organization controls in 2020 provides a firm deadline against which the industry can weigh the benefits of a range of technology enhancements and fuel options. But with no clear technological fix to lower emissions using traditional diesel or LPG fuels, nuclear energy is emerging as a practical option.
This trend has been developing quickly in recent years and the recent announcement of a major joint research project on the topic is the most significant to date.
Marine and energy consultants BMT Group and Enterprises Shipping and Trading have joined with start-up small reactor firm Hyperion and Lloyd's Register to "investigate the practical maritime applications for small modular reactors."
"We will see nuclear ships on specific trade routes sooner than many people currently anticipate," said Lloyd's Register CEO Richard Sadler. The organization has been an independent service provider to the shipping industry for 250 years.
In response to its members' interest in nuclear propulsion Lloyd's Register has recently rewritten its 'rules' for nuclear ships, which concern the integration of a reactor certified by a land-based regulator with the rest of the ship. A draft of the rules was put before Lloyd's technical committee two weeks ago and this represents a further step towards an international regulatory regime to ensure worldwide safety in a potential nuclear shipping sector.

Nuclear options

Cruise liner
A luxury liner has the power demand curve of a town, including peaks at morning and evening mealtimes. Conceivably a 100 MWe nuclear power system could take the base-load role with smaller diesels for peak load and back-up.

Bulk carrier
Transporters moving large cargoes like raw materials on point-to-point routes could run much faster with the extra power and low emissions from a nuclear reactor. A frequent service could be run by fewer vessels, mitigating the extra capital cost.

Existing conventionally powered vessels could attach to a nuclear-powered tug for emissions-free passage across oceans.

What about the ports?

Nuclear powered vessels could be the subject of controversy and this would seem to make a nuclear cruise liner concept difficult due to passenger and port acceptance. However, a point-to-point cargo service would need only agreement from two states and the supertug could remain in international water. Another idea is to create a large nuclear vessel with a conventionally powered detachable section to take cargo to port.
Vince Jenkins of Lloyd's Register told World Nuclear News: "National maritime regulators have little nuclear capability, so land based nuclear regulators will be needed in support. Since there are no internationally traded nuclear powered merchant vessels today, our nuclear powered ship rules have suggested a framework which may allow nuclear powered shipping to operate. Within this suggested framework, we have developed the area where it is felt that a ship classification society can add value and confidence to the safety of nuclear powered vessels, the integration of the reactor plant into the ship."
The new program of joint research is meant to produce "a concept tanker ship design based on conventional and modular concepts," said Lloyd's. It noted that "Special attention will be paid to analysis of a vessel's lifecycle cost as well as to hull-form designs and structural layout, including grounding and collision protection."
Nuclear power looked set for a maritime role in the 1960s thanks to early vessels like the Savannah and Otto Hahn, although in the end the Savannah worked for only ten years and the Otto Hahn was repowered with diesel engines after nine years. The Japanese-built Mutsu operated from 1970 until 1992 but none of these ships was a commercial success.
A notable exception has been the icebreaker fleet that works Russia's trade routes in the Arctic Ocean. These vessels number only seven, but one is a cargo vessel and small reactors of the same type are currently being fitted to the Akademik Lomonosov, the world's first floating nuclear power plant, set for deployment in Russia's far east.
Nevertheless, there remain about 200 small reactors at sea in military fleets but this technology cannot easily be transferred to the civil sector due to the requirement of using low-enriched uranium (LEU). In the military sector of recognised nuclear weapons states, high-enriched uranium allows more compact reactor designs with weight and controllability benefits.
The reactor of the Hyperion system uses LEU and measures about 1.5 meters by 2.5 meters. It would produce about 70 MWt - enough for about 25 MWe for propulsion. Its 'battery' design simplifies refuelling to a swap-out operation every 8-10 years with the possibility of managed lease arrangements similar to aircraft engines.
However, incorporation of any reactor in a ship would require extensive radiation shielding, consideration of impact protection. A step change in crew training would be required and there is a strong case for crew to be supplied by reactor vendors.
Similar to nuclear power on land, the additional capital cost of nuclear compared to fossil fuels is a significant obstacle despite the fact that savings on fuel and potential emissions charges would make nuclear economic in the long run. One of the most effective ways for a diesel-powered vessel to save fuel and emissions is to travel more slowly and avoiding this practical constraint could make nuclear vessels particularly attractive for certain cargoes and routes.


LNG to Dominate Ship Fueling Within 40 Years, Det Norske Says - Bloomberg

Posted - November 19, 2100 - Bloomberg - By Alaric Nightingale

Liquefied natural gas will become the dominant fuel source for all merchant ships within 40 years as environmental pressures force owners to use cleaner burning fuel, the world’s fourth-largest vessel classifier said.
Ships must cut emissions of sulfur oxides, a pollutant said to cause acid rain, to 0.5 percent by 2020 from 4.5 percent today under rules from the International Maritime Organization. In more environmentally sensitive areas, the upper limit drops to 0.1 percent by 2015 from 1 percent today.
“Environmental requirements aren’t going to get any less strict,” Lars Petter Blikom, segment director for LNG at Det Norske Veritas, a company that verifies ships are seaworthy, said in a Nov. 16 interview in London. “That’s just going to make gas even more compelling and there’s no other realistic option.”
LNG, natural gas chilled to 1/600th of its gaseous size, costs $397.28 a metric ton, according to Spectron. Bunker fuel oil with a sulfur content of 4.5 percent and a viscosity of 380 centistokes costs $475.26 a ton, according to data compiled by Bloomberg from 25 ports. Nitrogen oxides trigger reactions that lead to the formation of ozone, a pollutant that irritates eyes and lungs.

Complete Story at:

Friday, November 19, 2010


Disclaimer: This paper is the result of the analysis carried out by a sub-group within the AGF. However, the paper does not purport to represent the views or the official policy of any member of the AGF.

Context and Summary

This paper is part of the AGF’s exploration of potential sources of revenue that may be used to enable and support climate change action in developing countries. Under the Copenhagen Accord Parties agreed to the goal of mobilizing up to US$100 billion by 2020, from a variety of sources.
Currently the environmental externality associated with emissions from fossil fuel use in both the international maritime and aviation sectors is under-priced at a global level. In 2007, greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping represented around 1.7% of world emissions, while aviation emissions represented around 0.8%, these shares are expected to rise in coming years. 1 Policy measures which appropriately price this externality could deliver environmental and net social benefits whilst also raising revenues which could be made available to enable and support climate change action in developing countries.
This paper canvases three possible generic policy constructs— an emissions trading scheme (ETS), a fuel levy and an aviation ticket tax — that may be used to raise revenue whilst also attempting to target the externality. The paper makes broad qualitative assessments of the policies against the AGF’s criteria, and also outlines some quantitative analysis of the policies’ revenue potential and their effect on the pattern of trade.
It is important to note that this paper does not seek to provide a comprehensive examination of all possible policy measures or related issues in this sphere. Nor should it be seen as pre-empting or superseding consideration of such measures in appropriate venues. Rather it has instead been framed to facilitate a broad internal discussion of the major issues related to this topic within the advisory group.
This paper acknowledges the significant and ongoing efforts of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in working to build an international consensus on addressing their respective sector’s CO2 and other emissions. While an agreement on adoption of comprehensive control measures has yet to be reached, this paper builds on information publicly available through both organizations, including their invaluable internal discussions on similar policy measures. Both organizations will be informed of the AGF process and progress will be communicated to them.

1) This is a conservative estimate, with some estimates suggesting combined emissions could represent up to 7% of the total global CO2 emissions. The figures are based on an IMO estimate for international maritime emissions of 870Mt (2009 IMO GHG Study), an IEA estimate of emissions from international aviation of 391Mt (IEA CO 2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion, 2009 edition) and assumes global anthropogenic emissions of 50 Gt in 2007, a figure which is consistent with the IPCC 4th Assessment Report.

Complete Report at:

Friday, November 12, 2010

New Mitsui bulker design cuts CO2 emissions - Maritime News

Posted - November 7, 2010 - Maritime News

Japan’s Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. has unveiled a next-generation 66,000 dwt bulk carrier design developed to reduce CO2 emission by 30 percent. of next generation.
Named the zzzneo Supramax 66BC,zzz the new ship is an enlarged version of Mitsui’s best selling 56,000 dwt type handymax bulker, for which it has received over 150 orders
Development of the neo Supramax 66BC design involved extensive consultations with shipowners and operators and investigations of more than 600 ports all over the world. The result is a ship designed to have wide beam (36 m) and shallow draft, taking into account current 56BC trading patters and the expansion of Panama Canal, expected in 2014.
The ship is a general use bulk carrier equipped with deck cranes and suited for the carriage of bulk cargoes including coal, iron ore, wheat, barley, soya beans, etc. It can also carry lengthy/heavy cargoes such as steel pipe and hot coil. Hatch openings are optimized for the existing cargo handling equipment at various ports.
Although the neo Supramax 66BC is larger than the 56BC, its fuel consumption less as a result of adopting Mitsui’s newly developed energy-saving hull form.
The shipbuilder is offering two specifications for the ship – Premium and Standard. The Premium model will achieves a reduction of CO2 emission by about 21 percent on a ton-mile basis with a further reduction of up to about 30 percent with the application of optional software and hardware.
Mitsui is also developing measures to meet future SOx and NOx emission controls and requirements for ballast water treatment system is adopted, which is a hot current topic among maritime industries.

Principal Particulars of the Ship
Length overall 200 m
Breadth 36 m
Depth 18.45 m
Full-load draft 12.9 m
Deadweight 66,000 metric tons
Service speed 14.5 knots

Story at:

Monday, November 8, 2010

Unresolved CO2 challenge: Hellas Committee of Germanischer Lloyd Meets in Athens - Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide

Posted Monday, 08 November 2010 - HELLENIC SHIPPING NEWS WORLDWIDE - Source: Germanischer Lloyd

The 2010 Hellas Committee of Germanischer Lloyd (GL) under the Chairmanship of Capt. Vassilis C. Constantakopoulos focussed among many other topics on energy efficiency. Member of the Executive Board of Germanischer Lloyd, Dr Hermann J. Klein briefed the Hellas Committee members on current and future developments in more environmentally friendly and efficient shipping. The recent focus has been on the EEDI (Energy Efficiency Design Index), which is conceived as a future mandatory new building standard. At the last MEPC 61 meeting, several MARPOL Annex VI signatory states requested a circulation of the EEDI regulatory text. This may prompt a voting at the next MEPC meeting, which, if passed, would put the EEDI into force on 1 January 2013.
Dr Klein presented the current market situation and GL’s growth strategy. In late summer, GL has reached the mark of 7,000 vessels with 90 million gross tonnage which are currently under the regular technical supervision of GL. “This is a milestone in the history of GL,” said Dr Hermann J. Klein, at the Committee. “In only three years GL’s fleet has grown by 20 million GT.”
Torsten Schramm, COO and Executive Vice President of GL presented the benefits of using gas as ship fuel. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as a ship fuel may be the solution the shipping industry has been looking for to cope with the emissions challenges of our time. Gas will play a substantial part in the coming decades in enabling substantial near-term carbon emission reductions. Natural gas is widely regarded as a bridge to a low-carbon future. For the maritime industry, gas could be a viable alternative to heavy fuel oil which will be phased out according to IMO within the next ten years. Gas has the potential to reduce dependence on other fossil fuels with heavier carbon impact.

Complete Story at:

Thursday, November 4, 2010

LCQ12: Emission control requirements for ocean-going vessels - 7th

Posted November 2, 2010 - 7th space,com - Source: HKSAR Government

Hong Kong (HKSAR) - Following is a question by the Hon Paul Tse Wai-chun and a written reply by the Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau, at the Legislative Council meeting today (November 3): Question: It has been reported that Hong Kong's legislation on controlling the use of "heavy oil" is too lax and vessels berthing at or passing through the port of Hong Kong are allowed to use "heavy oil" with sulfur content ranges as high as between 3.5% to 4%, which is of the poorest quality and most air-polluting (as against the sulphur content of only 0.001% for auto-fuel).In this connection, will the Government inform this Council: (a)given that it has been reported that at present Hong Kong is still using the legislation enacted 30 years ago which regulates dark smoke emission by vessels but not the sulphur content of vessel fuels, of the reasons why the Government has all along not amended the legislation to enhance control of the sulphur content of vessel fuels;(b)of the policies proposed and the measures implemented by the Government in the past five years on controlling the problem of air pollution caused by vessels; and whether the Government had assessed in each of the past five years the impact of the pollution caused by vessels on local air quality; if it had, of the assessment results; if not, whether it will make the assessment as soon as possible; and (c) given that it has been reported that at present, vessels entering waters such as the North Sea and the Baltic Sea must use fuel oil with sulphur content below 1.5%, whether the Government had, in the past five years, compared Hong Kong's legislation on controlling the use of vessel fuels with that in other economically developed countries, and whether it had reviewed such legislation and tightened the control of vessel fuels; if it had, of the progress of the review; if not, whether it will conduct the review immediately? Reply: President, (a)The emission control requirements for ocean-going vessels are governed by international conventions under the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

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Time for voluntary GHG action to be rewarded - HELLENIC SHIPPING NEWS WORLDWIDE


Leading maritime greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions consultancy Carbon Positive says the slow pace of GHG regulation in shipping opens up a great opportunity for forward-thinking, innovative members of the shipping community to develop pioneering market-based initiatives; programs that will help the sector prepare for any future compliance obligations, reward early actors for their contribution, and demonstrate decisive action to those outside the sector. A WHITE PAPER issued today by Carbon Positive outlines how voluntary, market-based action can help prepare industries for compliance-based schemes, stimulate technological advance, and inform the development of good regulation along the way. Continuing this theme, Carbon Positive will be initiating a CONSULTATION PROCESS to develop an action programme for trading experiments in 2011.
Carbon Positive CEO Helena Athoussaki said: “Given the understandable difficulties IMO has in developing GHG regulation,......

Complete Story at:

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Maersk Line's CO2 data verified - Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide - Online

Posted November 3, 2010 - Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide - Online

Maersk Line is the first shipping line to receive independent verification of its CO2 emissions data, vessel by vessel. For customers like Starbucks Coffee Company, this means more transparency. "Being a good environmental steward is important to Starbucks Coffee Company. Our global logistics providers can aid us in lowering the carbon footprint of our supply chain by improving their CO2 emission data. Quantified measurement and verification is a step in the right direction. Together, we continue to strive to better the world in which we do business," says John Bauer, director of global transportation, Starbucks Coffee Company. Maersk Line will now add the CO2 data - verified by Lloyd’s Register - as one of eight performance measures in score cards that are presented to customers. Lloyd’s Register also lauds the added transparency. “Maersk Line is to be congratulated for taking the lead in promoting transparency and credibility with regard to carbon emissions,” says Madlen King, head of climate change and sustainability at Lloyd’s Register.
The next challenge is to get other shipping lines to participate and thereby make independent verification an industry standard, according to Jacob Sterling, head of climate and environment in Maersk Line. “This will enable our customers to choose shipping lines based on their environmental performance,” Sterling says, adding: “It used to be that ‘you cannot manage what you cannot measure’. That’s not the case any more. We will work to develop a global industry standard for verification of shipping’s CO2 emissions.”

Complete Story at:

European ports to reward ships cutting emissions - Hellenic Shipping Worldwide - Online

Posted November 3 2010 - Hellenic Shipping Worldwide

Six European ports on Tuesday launched an initiative aimed at cutting emissions from ships with some terminals offering discounts on port dues to cleaner vessels from January next year, officials involved said. A progressive global cut in nitrogen oxide (NOx), sulfur oxide (SOx) and particulate matter entered into force in July this year, although reductions will be staggered until 2020.
The emissions standards were adopted by United Nations' shipping agency the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in 2008.
The European ports of Le Havre, Bremen, Hamburg, Antwerp, Amsterdam and Rotterdam have developed an environmental ship index (ESI) which calculates a vessel's green performance and aims to encourage owners to speed up emissions cuts on a voluntary basis, port officials said.
"We look at the requirements of the IMO and that is our starting point," said Fer van der Laar, European managing director of the International Association of Ports and Harbors.
"Anything above that we will reward," he told a news conference at the launch of the initiative in London.
A ship's efficiency performance will be measured according to a baseline and then awarded points from zero to 100 according to how much more efficient the ship is compared with the IMO emission standards.

Complete Story at:

Monday, November 1, 2010

Jamaica hosts workshop on regional MARPOL compliance - HELLENIC SHIPPING NEWS WORLDWIDE

Posted - Monday, 01 November 2010 HELLENIC SHIPPING NEWS WORLDWIDE

Legislation which could lead to the prohibition of waste dumping in the Caribbean Sea was the focus of a workshop hosted this week by the Maritime Authority of Jamaica. Maritime personnel from across the wider Caribbean region attended the workshop, held on October 27th and 28th in Kingston, which considered the ratification, implementation and enforcement of the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) Annex I (oil) and Annex (V) garbage.
The workshop came on the heels of a resolution at the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) 60th Session held March 22 and 26 this year in London, prohibiting the discharge from ships of all garbage generated onboard in the Wider Caribbean Region as of May 1, 2011.
Mr. Bertrand Smith, Director of Legal Affairs at the MAJ said: “Since 1991 the IMO had designated the Caribbean region as a “Special Area” for ship‐generated garbage after assessing variables such as shipping traffic, interconnectedness of ecosystems and other vulnerabilities. Due to a lack of adequate waste reception facilities for ship‐generated wastes, the status could not be brought into effect. However, at the MEPC this year several Caribbean states that are party to the MARPOL Convention 73/78 indicated that sufficient waste reception facilities were available at their ports. Therefore countries in the region are encouraged to notify the IMO of the availability of the facilities by populating the IMO’s
Global Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS) database.”

Complete story at: