Ref ID: 08LONDON2035
Date: 8/5/2008 11:52
Origin: Embassy London
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
1.SUMMARY: The International Maritime Organization (IMO) 16th Session of the Flag State Implementation Sub- Committee (FSI 16) met at IMO Headquarters, London, UK. Mrs. Tatjana Krilic of Croatia chaired the meeting. The meeting was attended by eighty members, three associate members, one state not a member of the IMO, one United Nations specialized agency, eight intergovernmental organizations and seventeen nongovernmental organizations. FSI 16 agreed to:
The draft amendments to the Survey Guidelines under the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification (HSSC) resolution A.997(25) and the identification of amendments to mandatory instruments that would affect the HSSC and the status of their adoption or entry into force.
The text of the draft Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) circular on the meaning of "First Survey" to supersede MSC/Circ.1141 to be submitted to MSC 85 (November 26 - December 5, 2008) for approval
The text of the draft MSC circular on unified interpretation of the application of regulations governed by the building contract date, the keel laying date and the delivery date for the requirements of the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and the Maritime Pollution Prevention (MARPOL) Conventions to be submitted to Marine Environmental Protection Committee MEPC 58 (October 6-10, 2008) and MSC 85 for approval.
The draft MSC/MEPC circular on blanking (sealing) of bilge discharge piping system in port.
FSC 16 prepared a draft amendment to MSC-MEPC.3/Circ.1 based on the revision of the IMO Damage Card. END SUMMARY
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