CARB has recently announced its intent to host a public workshop on 17 February 2011 to discuss proposed changes to the CA Oceangoing Vessel (OGV) Fuel Regulation. The relevant sections of the meeting notice explain that the proposed changes are based on the need to further extend the low sulfur fuel requirements to “capture” vessels that previously transited through the Santa Barbara Channel (pre implementation of the CARB regulations) but now transit to the South side of the Channel Islands through an area that is outside the area covered by the OGV low sulfur fuel regulations. CARB further expresses their concern that with the movement of these vessels south of the Channel Islands, the potential for interference with military operations in the Pt. Mugu Sea Range is also increased. It is noted that the sudden concern by CARB about military operations in the area dovetails nicely with their intent to further expand the low sulfur fuel areas under the CARB regulations.
CSA has been in contact with our colleagues from the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association and they will be monitoring these developments, including attendance at this public workshop. It has been noted that it will be interesting to see how CARB intends to address the public health impacts of the proposed changes, since CARB looked at this issue prior to issuance of the final regulation and concluded that the public health impacts of vessels rerouting were “minimal”. It is also worth noting that the pendency of the litigation in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals may make these new proposals moot if the court decides in favor of the industry. However, if the court decides otherwise, it is expected that the extension of the low sulfur fuel requirements to include the alternate route further offshore would go into effect before the end of 2011.
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