The governing body of the IMO Sub-Committee on Bulk Liquid and Gasses (BLG) is the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC).
BLG primarily deals with carriage requirements and properties of bulk chemicals and gasses as well as matters related to the NOx Technical Code under MARPOL Annex VI. The BLG further currently host two working groups respectively dealing with Air Emissions and Ballast Water Management related issues.
BIMCO will attend BLG 15 from 7-11 February 2011, where the following important items are on the agenda:
• Development of guidelines and other documents for uniform implementation of the 2004 BWM Convention;
• Development of international measures for minimising the transfer of invasive aquatic species through bio-fouling of ships;
• Review of relevant non-mandatory instruments as a consequence of the amended MARPOL Annex VI and the NOx Technical Code;
• Application of the requirements for the carriage of bio-fuels and bio-fuel blends.
BIMCO is co-sponsoring one submission, primarily commenting on a submission from Norway/INTERTANKO that attempts to suggest means for ensuring that the fuel delivered to ships is of a constant quality. The danger with such proposed initiatives is that it could result in more monitoring of ships, as there is no means of implementing legislation applicable to ports or bunker suppliers. BIMCO, even though agreeing that the present fuel testing and controlling procedures are not ideal, does not support the proposal for pre-testing and purifying fuel before delivery to ships, as these measures will add substantial cost to the bunker supply chain without any real guarantee for improvement in the quality and MARPOL Annex VI compliance of the fuel bunkered.
The BLG 15 meeting arrangement includes 3 Working Groups (WG) and 2 Drafting Groups (DG) as follows:
• WG1 - Evaluation of safety and pollution hazards of chemicals and preparation of consequential amendments and application of the requirements for the carriage of bio-fuels and bio-fuel blends;
• WG2 - Development of guidelines and other documents for uniform implementation of the 2004 BWM Convention and international measures for minimizing the transfer of invasive aquatic species through bio-fouling of ships;
• WG3 - Code of safety for ships using gas or other low-flash point fuels with properties similar to liquefied natural gas;
• DG1 - Review of relevant non-mandatory instruments as a consequence of the amended MARPOL Annex VI and the NOx Technical Code;
• DG2 - Revision of the IGC Code.
Members will be kept updated on the progress and outcome of BLG 15 via the BIMCO News.
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