From Friday’s Maritime News:
“With next week’s arrival of an ocean-going cargo vessel at the Port of
Houston Authority, the Environmental Protection Agency will conclude the
data-gathering phase of a study on using lower sulfur marine fuels to
reduce air pollution in the Gulf of Mexico. The study will collect stack
emissions monitoring data before, after and during the use of lower
sulfur fuels on the vessel.”
“This is the first time EPA will have emissions data gathered directly
from a commercial cargo ship operating in the Gulf of Mexico,” said
Michelle DePass, assistant administrator for EPA’s Office of
International and Tribal Affairs. “Policy makers in the U.S. and Mexico
will soon have Gulf-specific emissions data to show reductions achieved
from burning lower-sulfur fuels near land in U.S. and Mexican waters.
This showcases a practice that will help the international shipping
industry meet forthcoming standards.”
“The study is the result of a partnership between the EPA, the Port of
Houston Authority, the Mexican federal government and Hamburg Sud, a
German-based shipping company. Additionally, ICF International and the
University of California-Riverside are managing the technical elements
of the program, including the emission measurements.”
For the complete article text, click HERE:
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