The highest profile matter addressed by the Marine Environment Protection Committee at its 60th Session in London in March 2010 continues to be greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions for the maritime transport sector. Significant debate occurred once again and the different views of developing countries (and their insistence to fully respect the principle of Common But Differential Responsibilities which is aimed to help developing countries build up their capabilities and facilitate the transfer of technology) versus Kyoto Protocol Annex 1 developed countries (and their position that any statutory instrument to be developed needs to embrace the No More Favorable Treatment principle that ships should be treated equally - consistent with all other IMO Conventions) were again made apparent with respect to the direction that IMO should take with respect to GHG discussions.
Despite those differences, there was unanimous agreement that IMO is the forum to determine direction/action that the maritime transport sector should pursue with respect to GHG reductions. During MEPC 60, GHG discussions focused on two primary issues:
1. Market Based Measures (MBM’s)
2. Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for new ships.....
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