Press release
Release date: 21 April 2010
With the increasingly strict requirements of maritime emissions regulations in numerous international jurisdictions, and the recent sharp global increase in energy costs, ship energy management and efficiency has never before carried such economic significance for marine equipment suppliers and shipbuilders, as well as vessel owners and fleet operators.
Ricardo has been actively involved in development of the very latest in engine, hybrid propulsion systems, mechanical and electrical energy storage, and fuel cell systems including fuel liquid fuel reformers, for a wide range of international clients as well as through the company’s technology research programme. The results of this work – enabled by Ricardo’s state-of-the-art simulation technology – indicates that advanced propulsion systems based on the careful selection of well proven propulsion, energy storage, after-treatment and waste heat recovery solutions, have the potential to bring significant fuel consumption savings while also meeting the requirements of existing and planned international emissions regulations.
By implementing next-generation energy management and propulsion technologies, Ricardo believes that operational fuel consumption reductions of between 15 and 25 percent are possible compared with conventional existing marine propulsion configurations. To help the maritime industry realize this fuel saving potential, Ricardo has today announced the formation of a consortium project known as the Ship Efficiency & Energy Storage Assessment consortium (SeEsA). This pre-competitive consortium will investigate energy management of the propulsion and auxiliary power systems and identify potential technology solutions appropriate for the requirements of applications including cruise liners, ro-ro ferries, tankers, bulk carriers, container ships, and offshore facility supply and navy vessels. In addition to meeting existing and future perceived needs, the flexibility of propulsion configurations in the face of potentially changing operating requirements will also be considered...
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