The International Maritime Organization (IMO) could soon find itself butting heads with Brussels over how best to tackle emissions from international shipping, analysts say, after the UN shipping body was unable to make “tangible progress” in this area at last week’s major meeting.
The London-based IMO has been struggling for years to agree upon market-based measures for curbing emissions, such as a levy on CO2 emissions or a cap-and-trade scheme. With the organization 170 members slow progress last week - and with the next major meeting not scheduled until October - it is unclear when such measures will ultimately be agreed upon.
Meanwhile, the European Commission has announced that it will take measures into its own hands if the IMO is unable to implement an effective strategy. With international shipping responsible for some three percent of greenhouse gas production, Brussels views the sector as an important area for reaching its climate change reduction goals. EC officials maintain, however, that they would prefer an international solution if possible.
“While we have a clear preference for global action on measures to reduce emissions from shipping, we don’t see the IMO on track to deliver reductions consistent with the globally accepted maximum two degrees Celsius objective,” a Commission spokesman told Reuters.
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