CHARLOTTE, N.C. Today issued a report presenting the company's progress in pursuing environmental excellence through its ongoing "Green Initiatives." The report describes the carrier's efforts to mitigate environmental impact from shipping operations and intermodal transport.
"Ensuring sustained environmental protection has always been a mission at Horizon Lines," said Stephen H. Fraser, President and Chief Executive Officer. "Our approach emphasizes environmental excellence through conservation techniques, waste stream management, system upgrades and voluntary compliance."
The report, available at, outlines a number of initiatives the company has been pursuing. In the Marine Environment area, these initiatives include vessel management controls, low sulfur diesel fuel usage, and marine terminal pollution mitigation planning. The company has focused on reducing transportation emissions through improvements in vessel fuel consumption and truck efficiency, the use of alternative fuels and the development of more fuel-efficient transportation solutions. Additionally, the company is pursuing a long-term, sustainable approach to logistics management that should benefit all stakeholders. Examples include working to reduce empty back-haul miles through logistics network optimization and researching the feasibility of using containers built from recycled materials.
"Environmental stewardship is a fundamental tenet at Horizon Lines," said Andrew Phillips, the company's newly appointed Environmental Compliance Director. "In 2011, our company received recognition from the Chamber of Shipping of America for environmental excellence and we also were named a Top 75 Green supply chain partner by Inbound Logistics magazine. We remain ever vigilant and committed to continuous improvement when it comes to environmental stewardship and compliance."
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