
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

News Posts and other Items of Interest

ICS wants EU to 'hold back' on emissions monitoring
bunkerworld (subscription) - The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) is submitting its views to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) on the monitoring and reporting of .. - In 2013, Kauai's ocean beaches and surfbreaks were mostly clean, but some were ... This suggests that pollution is mainly coming from river water.
Nature World News - Researchers from the National Ocean Service's National Centers for ... "Among the items studied were habitat types, coral cover, fish and pollution ..
Daily Mail (blog) - But now lawmakers are taking on the challenge in the fight against plastic pollution in oceans, lakes and rivers. Robert Sweeney, chairman of the .. - the web page (below) provides: Effects of Ocean Pollution on Marine Life If you have ever worried about the effects of ocean pollution on marine life you ... Surf News - A Panel Discussion on Sustainability in Action with: Jim Moriarty ... the latest surfboards designed and manufactured with sustainable 'best practices.

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