The UK Chamber of Shipping has urged the international shipping industry to keep the door open on all options to drive a reduction of its carbon emissions.
The Chamber is leading the debate by launching ‘manuals’ on the two main options. This is the first time an attempt has been made to set out the practical implications for the shipping industry.
As Climate Action reported on Tuesday the UK shipping industry had rejected the European Union’s proposed emissions trading scheme, amidst suggestions ships will refuel at non EU ports if the scheme is enforced.
The Chamber has welcomed the advances made by the International Maritime Organization to promote the reduction of shipping’s carbon emissions through technical efficiencies but believes that it will prove necessary for the industry to go further – through the adoption of economic (or ‘market-based’) measures to meet governments’ expectations and targets.
International opinion is divided on the best model for reducing the shipping industry’s carbon emissions. Some support the idea of a greenhouse gas (GHG) contribution fund, in which shipping companies would contribute as part of purchases of bunker fuel. Others prefer an Emissions Trading System (ETS), in which shipping companies would buy a shipping allowance or ‘emissions unit’, which they would then surrender according to their actual carbon emissions.
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