Clean air at sea – promoting solutions for sustainable and competitive shipping
The European Commission (EC) released the speech delivered by Janez Potocnik, European Commissioner for Environment regarding improving air quality.
He reiterated the importance of transposing the into EU law as quickly as possible so as to provide a strong enforcement mechanism Maritime Stakeholder event "Clean air at sea – promoting solutions for sustainable and competitive shipping"
Brussels, 1st June 2011
I'd like to thank you for the possibility of joining you today to discuss a subject that is high on my agenda – and yours also.
Since you will be hearing more on the forthcoming revision of the Sulfur Directive later, I want to use my time to get you up to speed on where we are with the EU's air policy, and on my program for a comprehensive review by 2013.
I want to remind you too that while reducing emissions from maritime shipping is of key importance, it is only one element in the wider air quality picture.
Air quality policy in the EU has largely been a success story. Since the Nineties, we have reduced emissions from almost all relevant pollutants.
Sulfur dioxide is down by 78%, heavy metals between 60-90%, and nitrous oxides (NOx) are down by 39%. But, it hasn't all been good news: we haven't been so successful with ground-level ozone or particulate matter, which is one of the most harmful in terms of health.
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