The production and use of biofuels for transport has increased dramatically in recent years and is set to continue, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and meeting growing consumer demand. As most biofuels will be transported by sea, the industry needs to take stock of its growing experience of what can go wrong aboard ship and develop safe and efficient shipping, loading, handling and storage practices Demand for biodiesel is expected to grow at an estimated annual compound rate of 15 per cent, rising from 20 million metric tonnes in 2010 to 45 million tonnes in 2015. Global biodiesel and ethanol sales could reach US$ 247 billion by 2020, up from US$ 76 billion predicted for 2010. In the first half of 2008/2009, about 670 million litres of biofuels were supplied to the UK transport market, with 92 per cent (about 616 million litres) imported.
The UK Government is stepping up its targets for forecourt sales of fuels from renewable sources to five per cent by 2013/14. The EU Renewable Energy directive would like it to be more as new sustainable biofuels come to market. By 2030, Lloyd’s Register predicts global demand for 100 million tonnes of biofuel, requiring an extra 400 handysize tankers to transport it.
The situation is reviewed in Biofuels: marine transport, handling and storage issues, prepared by The Carefully To Carry Committee and published by the UK P&I Club...
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