”Global shipping can reduce its CO2 emissions by 30 % the next 20 years through measures that are profitable for the shipping companies. The single most effective move is to introduce LNG as fuel,” said Executive Vice President Remi Eriksen of DNV at a shipping summit in Shanghai.
DNV has carried out a study of 59 ship segments representing the major ship-types and sizes of international shipping, identifying 25 different measures that can contribute to reduced emissions. Each of these segments have been modeled separately with regard to operational assumptions, the reduction potential of each measure, the cost of each measure and the year when available measures are phased in.
For 17 of the 59 vessel types and sizes it is cost-effective to install gas-fueled engines assuming a gas price equal to the price of marine diesel oil. The study, called “Pathway to Low Carbon Shipping” demonstrates that CO2 emissions by 2030 can be reduced by 30% below baseline through measures that save cost for the operators, and by almost 60% if all the identified measures are included.
“Many believe that gas is tomorrow’s fuel. We at DNV think it is already here. LNG as a fuel offers obvious environmental benefits,” said Remi Eriksen. “These benefits include nearly 100% reduction in SOX and particle emissions, 85-90% reduction in NOX emissions and 15-20% reduction in CO2 emissions.”
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