Posted - Wednesday, 10 March 2010
More than 190 members of the Greek shipowning and operating community attended a comprehensive seminar in Athens on issues associated with the requirement to burn low sulfur fuels in the existing Sulfur Emissions Control Areas (SECAs) and in European Ports. Hosted by class society ABS, and including a presentation from Marine machinery service provider Harris Pye, the meeting drew an audience hungry to learn more on how to gain compliance in European ports and how to prepare for reduced sulfur levels in the SECAs and in the proposed and potential new Emission Control Areas (ECAs).
“The industry is already dealing with the introduction of the low sulfur mandate in European ports that took effect 1 January and in California coastal waters. However, industry needs to be prepared for lower sulfur content requirements in the current and future emission control areas,” says ABS Assistant Chief Surveyor, Europe, Dimitrios Houliarakis...
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