Posted - Friday, 19 February 2010
International shipping giant Maersk has lopped up to 30 per cent off fuel consumption and carbon emissions by halving the cruising speed of many on its container ships and bulk carriers over the past two years. In an initiative that was initially prompted by skyrocketing oil prices in mid-2008, it’s fleet speed reduction programe is significant amid international moves to regulate emissions in the maritime sector.
Shipping is estimated to account for 3.3 per cent of global human-related greenhouse gas emissions, a share that is growing as world trade expands and other carbon-intensive sectors begin to rein in emissions growth.
Up to now, the industry had strives to operate ever faster for quicker delivery in a competitive market. But now shipping companies are finding that “slow steaming” can be more profitable given lower fuel costs – and making them more competitive. Cruising speeds of up to 25 knots are being pared back to 20 knots, or even as low as 12 knots in some cases at Maersk.
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