Cooperation between Guangzhou Diesel Engine Factory and the Norwegian maritime research institute Marintek has led to the development of an innovative LNG ship engine soon ready for the Chinese market. LNG eliminates sulphur emissions, significantly reduces NOX emissions and cuts CO2 emissions by at least 20 %.
LNG ship engine for the Chinese market
Based on a test model of a LNG (liquefied natural gas) ship engine created in the research institute Marintek in Norway, Guangzhou Diesel Engine Factory Co. Ltd. has built a corresponding engine for the Chinese market. It is expected to become popular in China for several reasons:
Firstly, using LNG as fuel does not reduce the effect of the engine compared with conventional diesel engines, something which is a common problem for other engines run on LNG. This Norwegian-Chinese 6230SG LNG engine will perform as well as a diesel motor.
Secondly, ships need to meet new IMO emission standards that will come into effect already in 2016. These entail, among other things, that NOx emissions cannot be larger than 2 gram per kw/h. The 6230SG LNG engine meets these requirements, and gives a 20 % reduction in CO2 emissions compared to a diesel engine with the same effect.
Thirdly, even though a LNG fueled engine is more expensive than a conventional engine, LNG is less expensive than diesel, making LNG engines an investment which pays back over time.
The Guangzhou Diesel/Marintek LNG motor is now ready for being certified by DnV, and will be available in the Chinese market this year.
Maritime transport is an energy effective mode of transport, but the world’s merchant ships still accounts for considerable CO2 emissions, estimated at half of that of all the cars in the world.
"As a significant shipping nation with a clear position on climate change, Norway has made reduction of CO2 emissions from maritime transport a priority. The co-operation between Marintek and Guangzhou Diesel makes for a concrete contribution to this aim. It also illustrates the potential in Sino-Norwegian co-operation in the maritime sector", says Consul General Tormod C. Endresen.